컨텐츠 시작



2024-1회 IBS 기하학 수리물리 연구단 선임연구원 채용 공고 / Senior Researcher Positions at IBS Center for Geometry and Physics

기초과학연구원 기하학수리물리연구단 hit 4188 date 2023-10-12

Senior Researcher Positions at IBS Center for Geometry and Physics


The IBS Center for Geometry and Physics (IBS-CGP) invites applications for several senior researcher positions (position ID: SRP).


IBS-CGP is working to bring the world’s leading scientists in mathematics together with young researchers to collaborate on research projects with passion and commitment. To this end, IBS recruits based on scientific excellence and creative ideas, rather than pre-determined goals or demonstrated practical outcomes. IBS-CGP provides an open and autonomous research environment. The existing members of IBS-CGP are working in symplectic topology, mirror symmetry, geometric topology, dynamical systems, algebraic geometry, number theory, and mathematical aspects of quantum field and string theory.


IBS-CGP is located on the campus of Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) in Pohang, South Korea.

Successful candidates for senior researcher positions will be new or recent Ph.D.’s with outstanding research potential. These non-tenure-track appointments are for two or three years, and the salary range is KRW 59,000,000 – 67,000,000. The appointment is one time renewable up to 5 years in total contingent upon the outstanding performance of the researcher.

These are purely research positions and senior researchers will have no teaching duties.


IBS-CGP offers annual research travel expenses in addition to basic research equipment and comprehensive benefits including medical and travel insurance and retirement fund.

A complete application packet should include:

1.  Cover letter

2.  Curriculum vitae including a publication list

3.  Research statement

4.  At least 3 recommendation letters

5.  Application Form for the IBS & Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information

 (Download from https://sites.google.com/view/cgpjob or https://cgp.ibs.re.kr/job)

For full consideration, applicants should (1) submit items 1, 2, 3, and 5 to cgp@ibs.re.kr and (2) have their recommendation letters emailed to cgp@ibs.re.kr by December 13, 2023. Recommendation letters forwarded by an applicant will not be considered.


Please write to cgp@ibs.re.kr should you have any question or concern.

IBS encourages applications from individuals of diverse backgrounds.


Those who apply for this position should submit the certificate of Ph.D before the starting date (at the latest December 14th, 2024). Without the actual certificate of the Ph.D, employment and the visa will not be able to be approved.


IBS-CGP Website: http://cgp.ibs.re.kr


* For the official Korean notice, please visit IBS Korean Website: 



* For the official English notice, please visit IBS English Website: 

